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District of Chetwynd Proclaims "Chamber of Commerce Week"

District of Chetwynd Mayor Allen Courtoreille has signed an official Proclamation declaring February 13th to 17th as the official Chamber of Commerce Week.

Following the lead of the BC Provincial Government, Mayor Courtoreille has declared this week as "Chamber of Commerce Week". Seen below in the official signing ceremony is Mayor Courtoreille along with Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Naomi Larsen.

Brenda Bailey, Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation, made the following statement -

“British Columbia’s business owners have stood up to immense challenges over the past few years, from the impacts of the pandemic and labour shortages, to global inflation and supply-chain disruptions.

“The 125 chambers of commerce throughout B.C. are relied on more than ever as they support boards of trade alongside 36,000 businesses of every size, sector and region in our province. They are rising to the challenge to ensure strong, resilient businesses and communities.

“The pandemic has taught us we can’t afford to go it alone, and that together we can accomplish great things. As a former business owner, I fully appreciate the importance and strong support of chambers of commerce when it comes to growing a business, creating networks and creating jobs for British Columbians.

“This week, our government is proud to proclaim Chamber of Commerce Week to recognize the leadership and impact that chambers have shown by supporting businesses in communities throughout British Columbia to help us build a clean and inclusive economy.

“This week, I encourage everyone to take a moment to reflect on the dedication of B.C.’s chambers of commerce. The investments that chambers make in business communities stimulate our economy, contribute to vibrant communities, making British Columbia one of the best places in the country to live.”



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